可適用於微波爐及洗碗機 由在台灣超人氣的YouTuber日本媽媽早奈惠設計的九谷焼瓷盤 出生於石川縣的早奈惠是擁有15萬粉絲很有人氣的YouTuber。 這次她設計了瓷盤。 “早奈惠對於這次設計的觀點” 這個設計是為了每天使用也不會看膩,設計思想為極簡風格。 它可能沒有九谷焼的特色,換句話說,至目前為止,應該從來沒有這麼簡單設計的九谷焼。 因為我個人很喜歡花,所以描繪了花的圖案。 這些花一開始看起來似乎都一樣,可是仔細觀賞的話就知道每一個都有不一樣的形狀,相信日子久了會慢慢對它更愛不釋手的。 直徑: 21.5cm 高度: 3cm
New Products,Microwavable,Dishwasher-safe
Plates designed by Sanae, a popular YouTuber in Taiwan
Sanae from Ishikawa Prefecture is a popular YouTuber with 150,000 followers (as of July 2021).
Diameter: 21.5 ,height: 3 cm
This time, we asked Sanae to design a plate for us.
The idea behind the design was to keep it simple so that it would not get boring even if it is used every day, and to make the dishes stand out.
In a way, it may not look like Kutani-yaki, but I think it is hard to find Kutani-yaki with such a simple design.
I love floral motifs, so I decided to use a floral pattern.
They all look the same, but if you look closely, you will see that each flower has its own personality, and you will gradually become attached to them.
Designed by Sanae
Born in Ishikawa
Born in Ishikawa
parts number A1123